There are many facets of homesteading. One that I like is innovation. Homesteading innovation involves lots of creativity, prayer, failures, thinking, fussing, and hopefully success. Homesteading innovation happens because, well, often times, homesteaders are DIYers and it makes no sense to buy something that we can do ourselves. OR, it may be that what we need isn’t readily available – so, the best inventions are made from necessity. And this is where we are with this post.
We’ve talked a lot about composting lately. We’ve talked about bin composting and vermiculture. Antoine and I were gifted with a bin composter a while back. The first time we used it, we were able to get enough compost out to use in our self-watering bins.

That time it was a pretty messy process. We had to dump out the compost onto a tarp, rake through it to get the uncomposted pieces out of the way, scoop up the bits that could be used, then put all of the other things left behind back into the bin. Not to mention, it was a windy day so we had to find things to hold the tarp down.
Enter in, homesteading innovation! Antoine came up with the thought of making a homemade sifter. While we were at our local hardware store, my brain took a leap and thought maybe we can just give our composter a make-over. What would happen if we put the screen over the compost bin and forgo making a sifter? Click the video below and see how it went!
As always, thanks for reading!