So, you want to homestead but you live with a few folks that aren’t quite as excited as you? How do you get everyone on board?
[Read more…] about Get Everyone On BoardFeed Our Family. Feed Our Neighbors. Feed Our Community.
By Deidra
So, you want to homestead but you live with a few folks that aren’t quite as excited as you? How do you get everyone on board?
[Read more…] about Get Everyone On BoardBy Deidra
It is finished!! This past weekend in the 90 degree weather, we made another trek out to the property. This time, we were successful! If you remember from the last few posts, getting out there was a chore, and trying to cut all that grass wasn’t as easy as we thought it would be.
[Read more…] about It Is Finished!By Deidra
A couple of weekends ago was tough. It was one of those weekends that made you ask yourself, “Do I REALLY want to homestead?”, “Am I REALLY cut out for this?” It was one of those weekends that Murphy’s Law no longer existed. Oh no…in Hall fashion, we went WAY past that. We were in “Hall’s Law” now, where if it could happen, it did, and did so spectacularly.
[Read more…] about If It Could Happen, It Did.By Deidra
I don’t know if you saw hubby’s last post, “Today, The Land Became Ours“, but after six long months, we finally closed on our land! Now that was a long lesson in patience. I just wanted to share that great news with you guys before getting on to the point of this post.
Okay, now that that’s over….Homesteading. That word means a lot of different things to different people. For some, when you say homesteading, you think of “Little House On The Prairie” living. Some think of “roughing it” – no modern conveniences like electricity or plumbing. Some think of it as [Read more…] about Why We Are Choosing This And You Can Too!
By Deidra
So, just to check in on our update…
It’s been a while, and if you’ve been following our journey, you know that we’ve set our eyes on a piece of raw land. In our update post, we talked about how a housing offer that fell through led us to finding a piece of property that we thought we’d make our own. We were in the process of going though our “Due Diligence” – checking boundaries, soil testing, appraisals..and everything was checking out one by one until… [Read more…] about Our Journey: An Update To Our Update
By Deidra
You know those cute videos that show up on the internet of the unlikely animal friends? Well, I have one for ya. Introducing “Feathers” and “Bunny”. [Read more…] about A Bird and a Bunny
By Deidra
My darling, Mr Green Thumb, can grow anything. He’s much like how his dad was – he can take something that was almost dead and spring it back to life. I, on the other hand, am Mrs. Brown Thumb. I kill stuff. Growing plants is just not my thing. I’ve tried before and failed miserably…except!
I LOVE the Aloe Vera plant. Mainly because I can completely forget about it and it not only survives, but thrives. Seriously, it is the only thing in my house that I can completely ignore and it prefers it that way. Imagine that! The more I neglect it the more it loves me. We’re a match made in heaven. I started off with one plant and now I have four. I had five, but I gave one to my sister who is also a serial plant killer. I think the plant I gave her will be happy there LOL. [Read more…] about Aloe: The Plant That Loves Neglect
By Deidra
So, last we talked, I was telling y’all about the decisions that Antoine and I had to make about how we wanted to approach our homestead dream. Did we want a house on some land? Or, did we want raw land and build? There were a lot of twists and turns, ups and downs and I want to bring you all up to speed. [Read more…] about Our Journey – An Update