If you remember, back in August when we first got our tractor, we also were gifted a compost bin. It was exciting because it was one more step we could use in reducing our waste. We eat a lot of veggies and make a lot of salad. For the scraps that I did not use in my broths, I would throw them away and I hated that because all I could think of was, “man, this would make great soil.” [Read more…] about Compost: Reducing Our Waste
Trellising Those Cucumbers
Hey All. I hope you are having a happy Monday. I just wanted to share with you a quick trellis project I undertook for our cucumbers. It started out with me tossing some cucumber seeds into our second self-watering planter. This one was unfinished, but I figured I had time to put the wooden cover on it later. Boy, that was a mistake. Those cucumber plants took off with growth and before I knew it, I needed a trellis! [Read more…] about Trellising Those Cucumbers
Starting Seedlings Indoors And My Rookie Mistake
It’s spring. The birds are chirping outside. The pollen is flying everywhere making EVERYTHING yellow! The grass is growing back. When you go to some stores, they have brand new plants out there ready for you to take home to toss into your garden. Yep, it’s that time of the year to start planting if you are starting from seed. For me, I felt like everything was passing me by as I had not started anything (even though you can start plants throughout the growing season). I had to do something and I needed to do something now! [Read more…] about Starting Seedlings Indoors And My Rookie Mistake
Introduction to Hydroponics

Hello, hello, hello! Today is a fun one for me as I get to dive into the gardening section of blogging, specifically with a focus on Hydroponics. If you are close to the gardening world, it may seem to be all the rage now-a-days. It is a really cool way to grow and is great because it uses a lot less water than a traditional soil garden. It is not a silver bullet or a replacement form of growing, but rather an alternative. With that being said, if you have never heard of it before, I hope this introduction will give you a better understanding of hydroponics. [Read more…] about Introduction to Hydroponics
Aloe: The Plant That Loves Neglect
My darling, Mr Green Thumb, can grow anything. He’s much like how his dad was – he can take something that was almost dead and spring it back to life. I, on the other hand, am Mrs. Brown Thumb. I kill stuff. Growing plants is just not my thing. I’ve tried before and failed miserably…except!

I LOVE the Aloe Vera plant. Mainly because I can completely forget about it and it not only survives, but thrives. Seriously, it is the only thing in my house that I can completely ignore and it prefers it that way. Imagine that! The more I neglect it the more it loves me. We’re a match made in heaven. I started off with one plant and now I have four. I had five, but I gave one to my sister who is also a serial plant killer. I think the plant I gave her will be happy there LOL. [Read more…] about Aloe: The Plant That Loves Neglect
Decisions, Decisions….
Hey y’all! Deidra here. So, I wanted to share with you all a little of our journey.
We used to own our own home a few years back. Unfortunately, Antoine was caught up in the technology bubble bust and was laid off. While he had some time at home, he decided to build our first garden. We had two young children and a dog and we knew we had mouths to feed.
He was really good at it. He grew okra, tomatoes, cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries, peppers….anything that could fit in our square foot garden. I think that’s when the bug really bit him. From that point on, no matter where we landed we tried to grow something. [Read more…] about Decisions, Decisions….
Our Journey Begins
Hello, hello, hello! My name is Antoine and I would like to welcome you to our blog. This is the first of what will be many entries by my wife, Deidra, and myself. We have long talked about having our own land where we could grow our own food as well as raise our own animals. We are not there yet, but in December of 2017, we decided to chronicle our journey whether we make it or bust!