Hey ya’ll!
So, I’ve been absent, ghost, gone, away, not thinking about writing for a long while. Part of it admittedly was laziness. Part of it was that I was uninspired. I mean, things are slow around here and there’s not much to really talk about. Part of it is because it’s been easier to just take quick pictures and put up a caption on Instagram, but some of it has a lot to do with reinventing myself.
A Problem…
Antoine and I often talk about what life will be like for me once we are empty-nesters. All of my waking moments, except a few hours on Wednesdays are spent with the kids. I homeschool them, take them to their volunteer activities, take them to their lessons and practices – we are always together. My life pretty much revolves around them and their schedules. And I love EVERY single minute of it. Kids are kids for only so long. I enjoy being involved and them wanting me to be involved in their lives so deeply.

But, I know, one day that’s going to fade. They will grow and have families, travel, have careers, and lives of their own. I also have come to the realization that if I don’t start trying to find my own interests, I’ll be here not knowing what to do with myself.
The Fix…
So, I reached into the recesses of my mind to find what I enjoy. I’ve always enjoyed sewing. My grandmother, whom I’m named after, was a master seamstress. At one point she and her son had a clothing line and did fashion shows. I remember watching her sew in her dining room, her bedroom, her kitchen…anywhere there was space. She made my baby doll “Cindy” her first dress and even taught me how to make a car wash skirt.

A few years ago, my mother had given me her old sewing machine. She never used it. It definitely wasn’t anything fancy, but it got the job done and I made my very first shirt. Soon after, Antoine invested in me and bought me a brand new (for the time) machine, but, we moved, and I packed it up and didn’t use it….until….
Gettin’ Jiggy Wit’it!

I learned about cloths pads (lady products) and their health benefits! I started making those for myself and my daughter. When the mood hit, I’d make a few, make up different patterns and make a few more. But this summer, I decided to find something else to do. I learned to make bags! And I love it. I’ve been focusing on how to make hip purses and market bags – really they are big tote bags, but I like to use them for going to the stores in lieu of using a bunch of plastic. I haven’t needed them for our garden quite yet since the produce isn’t that abundant yet, but it will be! I’ve made produce bags (again to keep from using plastic), satin bonnets, plastic bag holders, bees wax wraps…just really letting my creative side develop.

So, I apologize for being away for so long. Maybe going through this will give me the boost I need to get writing again. Who knows…maybe I’ll find a way to start selling these things on the side? Either way, any steps we make you’ll know about. It’s part of our journey and I’m glad you’re willing to come along!
Take care y’all!