It’s been a while, since I have posted about my first attempts at hydroponics. Today, I figured it was time to share with you all in that area, so I want to start with a question. Have you ever seen living lettuce in the grocery store? If not, it’s lettuce that was hydroponically grown and shipped in a plastic container with a little water.
Over the past couple of weeks, we have purchased a two heads of living lettuces. With the first one, we used a few leaves, then we thought to toss it in the hydroponic system in the garage. I had not been making good use of it this winter like I should, so I had plenty of space. Then, we purchased one more and did the same thing. You could easily replant this in the ground or in a plant pot with soil. We chose hydroponically since we have this capability.
The video below is how they have been doing so far: