Hey y’all!
This post is uber late. With the holidays and family in town, blogging just wasn’t something I had time for. Plus, I had a minor surgery and well, recovery from that was also on my mind. All is well now, but I wanted to share with you guys my experience at the Inaugural Black Farmer’s Market!
We have a lot of black farmers in our area, some of them just starting and some have been in business for a long time. But, they very rarely (from my understanding from talking to some) get together and do things like a Black Farmer’s Market. Well, there is a group in the nearby city of Durham, NC that decided to do something about it. They created and hosted the Inaugural Black Farmer’s Market. Hopefully, it will be something that will continue. It was nice seeing farmers near and far come show off their produce, just getting to know them and hearing their experiences in farming. I’m hoping we will be able to participate very soon because we have great ideas of what to do with our land!
We met one young lady that is totally off grid. She won her tiny home off a TV show, “Homestead Rehab” I believe she said it was. She raised turkeys and other poultry and had other things as well. We met a young farmer that was growing in hoop houses on a couple of acres and one older farmer who’s family farm had been around for generations. There was another farming family all the way from Virginia that came to sell their homemade jams and it was delicious!
This market came right on time because we bought a lot of things we needed to make Thanksgiving dinner. No fuss, no long lines, all local. Can’t get better than that. Here are a few pictures of the Inaugural Black Farmer’s Market! I hope you enjoy and maybe next year, I’ll have pictures of us to show!