It was a dark and stormy night. The rain kept coming in waves and lightening bolts lit up the night sky. An evening of anticipation filled the air. We knew something great was on the way. Anxiously, we waited on the arrival of something special. We waited for something that would fill our hearts with joy, but confound our neighbors who were oblivious. Anxiously, we waited….
Then in the darkness, we heard what sounded like a heavy truck with something in tow. We dashed through the kitchen, raised up the garage doors and there they were! The long wait was over with everyone and everything arriving safely. People, we have farm equipment!

Wait what? You were waiting for farm equipment to be delivered? Well, as a matter of fact we were! As it turns out Deidra’s Dad, Step-Dad, and Aunt were gifting us things coming all the way from Milwaukee, WI. Yes, giving it to us! When I tell you that God will provide – HE really does provide!
You just have to be grateful when people go out of their way to support your dreams and goals. Step-Dad and one of his co-workers had driven through the storms and the rain just to deliver equipment to us and our sister. In all, we ended up receiving a John Deere 2020 tractor (and the trailer it came in on), a Craftsman riding lawn mower, and a composting bin! I tell you that I had never been so happy being in the rain because it was like being a kid in a candy store already on a sugar high.
We are excited about this journey as it has taken us down a path where provision is constantly made. So, far this has been one where our faith has increased because when we cannot see what or how it is coming, our God has provided all of our needs.
This motivates me today to keep forging ahead on our homestead journey. If you have considered homesteading (whatever that definition means to you) I would like to encourage you to just start. When we began, we had no idea how we’d even get land. Then we didn’t know how we’d get farm equipment to do some of the major things we needed to do as a part of our dream. As I am learning, sometimes you just have to start on pursing your dreams, otherwise, you would only sit, doing nothing, and wondering “what-if”.
Take care folks and remember, just get started on whatever you dream of accomplishing!