Have you seen the price of Almond milk lately? YIKES! That stuff is expensive. What if you could make it cheaper and with only two main ingredients instead of all that stuff listed on the bottle to help it have a long shelf life? Guess what? You can. All you need are a few appliances you may already have, some almonds (if you can buy them in bulk at your big box, whole sale, bulk buy, or warehouse club store you can get the cost down even lower!), water, and flavoring of your choice. Here is a quick recipe and video for you!
Almond Milk Recipe
1 cup almonds
3 cups water
Flavoring of your choice – add slowly to taste
Here’s what you do:
Soak your almonds for anywhere between 8-18 hours – you want them nice and plump. Once plump, pour out that water and rinse your almonds. If you want to “quick soak” them, you can boil them for about 5 minutes and leave them in the hot water while the water cools. Then drain and rinse. If you are a pressure cooker owner, you can steam them for about 5 minutes, natural release and rinse.

Blend your almonds with a cup of clean water. You can add more water if you’d like, but I start with a cup so that I don’t get “splash back” from my blender, the Ninja Blender/Food Processor.
Strain your milk. There are a few ways that you can do this. If you have a small hole mesh strainer, you can pour the milk through and press the pulp to get the milk out. If you have cheese cloth, you can use that as a strainer. Or, my favorite – a juicer (I use the Omega Juicer 8006). You can watch the video below to hear about the reason why I like this method best.
Flavor if you choose. I like to sweeten our milk using maple syrup. You can use honey or any other sweetener you’d like if you want. We also use other flavor profiles like vanilla extract, cacao powder with sweetener, blended strawberries with sweetener, or our kids’ favorite a “monkey blend” that uses both cacao powder and bananas.
Have fun and get creative! Check out the video below…..thanks!!