Hey ya’ll! I’m excited!
Baker’s Creek gave us a serious blessing. Wait…do you know who Baker’s Creek is? Let me introduce you to them in case you don’t know. Baker’s Creek Heirloom Seeds is a company that sells rare heirloom, open pollinated, non-GMO seeds from the 19th century. Taken from their site:
Baker Creek carries one of the largest selections of seeds from the 19th century, including many Asian and European varieties. The company has become a tool to promote and preserve our agricultural and culinary heritage….
Now, you all know I kill plants. Growing things from the ground is just not my thing – the majority of the time. I mean, my citrus trees are still pressing on. No lemons or limes yet, but I’m hopeful. And my aloes aren’t dead yet. But, for the most part I have a brown-thumb unlike Antoine that can make anything grow.
So, Why Am I So Excited?
So why am I so excited about this Baker’s Creek Blessing? Because they had a give away for their 2018 seed collection. From my understanding, they tend to give away their seeds that are overstock or they no longer wish to sell to nonprofit groups, third world countries, and educational groups and HOMESCHOOLS!!
Did you all know that I homeschooled? No? Ok, maybe that will be another blog. I warned you at the beginning that we will slowly unveil things about our lives – we can’t hit you with it all at once lol.

But yes, I entered in for my homeschool and a group that I help admin and I was one of the people chosen!! This is going to be a really cool project. Antoine has those two planters outside that can be used, and we have containers everywhere. It will be exciting to watch the kiddos grow their own food and not just any food, sometimes rare foods from rare seeds. Many of the seeds can’t be directly sown until after the first frost or shortly before. So, we have a while to wait. In the meantime, that gives me enough time to plan what will go where. And then I’ll let Antoine take over from there with the kids so that we can actually have a crop LOL
Stay tuned, ya’ll!